Paid Focus Group

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Market Research

Market Research
Viewing facilities in Birmingham, London, Paris, Lyon & Lille

Looking to conduct a Focus Group with respondents from a specific target group?

Want to know more about your customers?

Need help with organising Focus Groups (location, recruitment, etc.)?

Our experts in Qualitative Market Research can help you with all the above!

From our very own Market Research Studios right up to hard to recruit targets, we can provide it!

In order to receive details of all the services we offer – please complete the form below and you will receive all the details of how we can help as well as information on our Viewing Facilities.

- We hate spam as much as you do, so we promise we won’t use your details for anything else than what is mentioned above.

More details

1,000,000 member all around the World
1,000,000 members
highly-qualified all around the World
200,000 member in the UK
200,000 members
highly-qualified in the UK
11 Studios
11 Studios
dedicated to your research projects